2021 ISC Conference Friday, March 26 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST
History and Resistance
The theme of the 2021 ISC was History and Resistance. The conference explored 1. ) how identities have been imposed on individuals and groups throughout history 2.) how these identity constructs helped to create and protect societal institutions of privilege and discrimination 3.) how individuals and groups have constructed their own identities 4.) and how infrastructures of uneven power dynamics based on these identities have been resisted.
See below for the 2021 ISC Program.
Welcome8:30 a.m. - 8:55 a.m.

Greetings: Dr. Learie Luke, Provost, South Carolina State University
The Occasion: Ms. Ursula Robinson, Professor of Drama, South Carolina State University
Conference Overview: Dr. Janice Hawes, Chair, English and Communications, South Carolina State University
Concurrent Sessions 1 and 2
9:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.

Session 1: Art and Media A
Moderator: Janice Hawes, Associate Professor of English, SC State
"The empowerment of the poetic voice: submission and emancipation in 17th century artistic patronage. A study of a few emblems in Henry Peacham's Minerva Britanna (1612)" Cezara Bobeica, Ph.D.in Renaissance Literature and Teacher Assistant, University of Strasbourg
"Intersectionality and Art: Drawing as an Act of Resistance (Live Creation)" Erin Finley, Visual Artist and Educator, OCAD University, Toronto
"Intersectional Visual Narratives of War and Reconciliation in Contemporary Colombia" Martín Ruiz-Mendoza, PhD Candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Session 2: Society and Culture A
Moderator: Susan Stein, Associate Professor of Spanish, SC State
"Battle of the Breasts: A Comparative Study of the Embodied Intersectional Experiences of Channar Women in the Breast Cloth Controversy of Travancore, South India (1800s- 1924) and the Bra Burners of the Unites States of America (1960s and 70s)" Pavithra Nandanan Menon, Research Scholar, Comparative Asian Studies Program, National University of Singapore
"Ideology vs theology: A Reexamining of Nazism in America" Dr. Alon Milwicki, Research Fellow, American Counter-terrorism and Resilience Institute
"The Constitution of the Hathras Victim's Body" Amrapali Mondal, PhD Women's Studies, Centre for Women's Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Concurrent Sessions 3 and 4
10:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

Session 3: Education and Literature A
Moderator: Janice Hawes, Associate Professor of English, South Carolina State University
"An Examination of the Stylistic Techniques in the Poet X (2018) and Maya's Notebook (2013)" Margaret Morris, Associate Professor of Spanish, South Carolina State
"the black maria at the Intersecting Roads of Race and Gender" Nahla Raffaoui, Fourth- Year Ph.D. Student, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
"Male Scholars and Female Monstrosities: Imperial British Feminism in Clara Linklater Thomson's The Adventures of Beowulf Janice Hawes, Associate Professor of English, South Carolina State

Session 4: Society and Culture B
Moderator: Arah Pinson, Instructor of English, SC State
"Hetero-patriarchy and its discontent: A study of modes of resistance among Khasi LGBT against historical erasure" Lede E Miki Pohshna, Junior Research Fellow, English Department, North Eastern Hill University
"Resisting and Reshaping 'Normal' among Black Women with Mental Health Illnesses" Sweata Loreto Gomes, Independent Researcher
"Building Power from Below: Creative Paths and Actualizing Human Aspirations for a New World" Sebastian Mendoza, Undergraduate, Goucher College

Lunch 11:50 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

Concurrent Sessions 5, 6, and 7
12:50 p.m. - 2:10 p.m.

Session 5: Art and Media B
Moderator: Joshua Mims, Assistant Professor of Broadcasting, SC State
"Art, Identity, & Reasoning: Differing Aesthetic Approaches to the Politics of Resistance" Dr. Frank Martin, Director, I.P. Stanback Museum, South Carolina State
"A P.U.S.H. for a Greater Selfie" Rev. Zachary Delano Middleton, Minister at Greater Faith Baptist Church in Orangeburg, SC
"'They Killin' Us For No Reason': Black Lives Matter, Police Brutality and Hip-Hop Music - A Quantitative Content Analysis" Dante Mozie, Instructor of Journalism, South Carolina State

Session 6: Education and Literature B
Moderator: Kat Landes, Instructor of Broadcasting, SC State
"History and resistance; an intersectional reading of Octavia Butler's Kindred" Marietta Kosma, University of Oxford
"Intersectional Strategies of Resistance: William Wells Brown's Clotel and Octavia Butler's The Parable of the Sower" Thomas Cassidy, Professor of English, South Carolina State University
"Equity in Early Childhood Teaching" Reginald Williams, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, South Carolina State

Session 7: South Carolina State Student Voices
Moderators: Students
"The Impact of Music During the Civil Rights Movement" Jameion Gilmour, SCSU Senior Music Education Major
"Black Lives Matter and Resistance" Jonathan Roberts, SCSU Senior Management Major
"A Dream Lost" Samuel Thompson, United States Navy
Discussion Panel
2:20 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

"The Orangeburg Massacre, Social Justice, and Perspectives"
Organizer: Arah Pinson, Instructor of English, SC State
Dr. David Staten, Professor of Rehabilitation Counseling, South Carolina State University Faculty Senate President
Mrs. Cathi Mack, Assistant to the Dean/Coordinator of Technical Services/Instructor Miller F. Whittaker Library
Marie H. Artis, LMSW, Retired Assistant Professor/Program Coordinator, Social Work Program, SCSU
Rev. Zachary Delano
Middleton, Minister at Greater Faith Baptist Church in Orangeburg, SC

Keynote Address3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Keynote Speaker
Dr. Whitney Leeson, Roanoke College
"Jousting Freedmen and the Politics of Co-opting Ring Tournaments during Reconstruction"

Whitney A.M. Leeson is a Professor of Anthropology and History at Roanoke College who received her PhD from University of Virginia with subfield specialization in Historical Archaeology. She serves as Book Review Editor for Insights, the Coordinating Council of Women in History's newsletter, and Associate Book Review Editor for The Sixteenth Century Journal. Along with Jennifer DeSilva and Barbara Pitkin, she is co-editor of Teaching the Early Modern World in the Era of COVID-19 (2020). Currently at work on a medievalism project about ring tournaments in the American South during Reconstruction, she has articles forthcoming in Medieval Perspectives and Studies in Medievalism.

Thank you to our guest speaker, Dr. Whitney Leeson, Roanoke College.
Thank you to all of our presenters and moderators for helping to create a wonderful program.
Thank you to everyone who attended. We hope to see you in Spring 2022.
The Department of English and Communications and the ISC Committee wish to thank the following members of the SC State campus community for their support and assistance:
Mr. James E Clark, President Dr. Learie Luke, Provost Dr. Janice Owens, Dean of the College of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences Ms. Rosalind Hanson, Administrative Assistant, Department of English and Communications
2021 Intersectional Studies Conference Committee:
Dr. Janice Hawes, Chair of English and Communications, SC State Dr. Thomas Cassidy, Professor of English, SC State Mr. Dante Mozie, Instructor of Journalism, SC State Mr. Muhammad Mashreque, Instructor of Speech and English, SC State Ms. Arah Pinson, Instructor of English, SC State